Now for the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs (Only if you like).
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.
I am passing this to few ppl who I follow the most and enjoy reading.
1) Vedha - She is one of my sweetest juniors who writes well abt her day to day experiences etc. I like her style of writing and content. It might not be so relevant to all who read hers.. But its interesting for ppl who know her. I want to give this award to her.
2) Chinmayi - Of course she is the singer, entrepreneur who I am talking abt. She does not know me. But I follow her blog regularly. I love the way she handles her blog. Nice writing and she cares to reply to all who contact her. Tats a gr8 thing to be done by a busy media person. I think she really deserves it.
3) Alvia - She is a super cool person I know and she writes so dramatically. I really like that. Tats the best of hers.. I wish she writes regularly..
4)Sandhya - one other junior of mine who writes loads.. Interesting one too.. :)
I am entering this post once again to thank few more people who have passed this award to me. Thanks to Supraja, Vedha and Sandhya for showing your affection over me by passing it. I am so glad and happy to know that you all like my blog. :) This note encourages me so much to make it interesting and useful to all the readers. Thanks again. :)
Fondant Cakes - 1
Fondant Cakes - 2
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Fondant Cakes - 4