Once upon a time, when I was a in kinder garden mom used to narrate me the story of Jack and the beanstalk. The story fascinated me so much. Every time they purchased some bean at home, I used to ask her if it was the magical bean. :) and she used to say 'yes' and also tell me that if I eat them I would become wise, energetic, heroic and what not. :)
Whatever be the story, I just love to munch them even now. They are crunchy and tasty. :)
So here goes the interesting field beans snack that I told you earlier. :)

Fresh field bean seeds(Mochai) - 1 cup
Ghee - 1 tsp
Oil - for frying
Salt - for taste
Chilly powder - for taste
Asafoetida - a pinch
Fresh field bean seeds(Mochai) - 1 cup
Ghee - 1 tsp
Oil - for frying
Salt - for taste
Chilly powder - for taste
Asafoetida - a pinch

Soak Field beans(Mochai/Anumulu) in luke warm water for 2 hours. Then de husk the outer skin and dry it on a clean cloth for a while in shade.
Deep fry the dried field beans until the bubbling subsides(till it gets crispy).
Now take a spoon of ghee in a pan and add chilly powder, salt and asafoetida to it. Immediately drop in the fried field beans and saute for few mins in very low flame till the spics spread evenly. Transfer to an air tight container and enjoy it for a week. :)
You can also add crushed garlic to the ghee and then add the chilly powder etc. This will give you an extra flavor to it.
If you have time and patience, pick the green colored ones alone and use them for this snack. They are tender so they become really crisp when roasted and would be really good.
Happy munching. :)
Soak Field beans(Mochai/Anumulu) in luke warm water for 2 hours. Then de husk the outer skin and dry it on a clean cloth for a while in shade.
Deep fry the dried field beans until the bubbling subsides(till it gets crispy).
Now take a spoon of ghee in a pan and add chilly powder, salt and asafoetida to it. Immediately drop in the fried field beans and saute for few mins in very low flame till the spics spread evenly. Transfer to an air tight container and enjoy it for a week. :)
You can also add crushed garlic to the ghee and then add the chilly powder etc. This will give you an extra flavor to it.
If you have time and patience, pick the green colored ones alone and use them for this snack. They are tender so they become really crisp when roasted and would be really good.
Happy munching. :)

i love this snack...but havent tried it at home as i didnt know how to do it...thanks for the recipe nithya..looks crispy too..
Looks crispy, can we not microwave it to avoid deep frying? Havent tasted this....but am sure wud taste gud!
Thanks for the comments. :)
Sharmilee: I am really not sure abt using microwave, I'm actually bad at it. But I promise it does not absorb much oil and its really not oily to touch too. So guess it should not affect your diet plans. :)
Very tempting Beans for my cup of coffee and a good book to sit with.
we add some tiny fried dumplings(small murukku kind) to this along with fried ground nuts.I am actually not a fan of these fried beans but I eat this just for those tiny fried thing...
wow!!quite interesting and new to me nithya....nice click and looks crispy!!
wow....your photography is awesome..keep it up dear...n the recipe is mouthwatering n simple:)
nice crispy snack to have with tea.
lovely snack new to me will give a try
This is my favourite and nice to see this in your blog
new recipe.perfect for eve snack with tea.
Yummy Snack...thanks for sharing the recipe:)
Perfect snack..Looks so crispy and cute...
I wish i could grab that jack , oh i will bethen sitting and munching on tose delicous snack.
wow delicious and crispy snack
I like this recipe. It looks so delicious.
See soon
real tasty snack!! Gr8 entry!!
Wow nithi thats all time fav for us..looks so yumm and tempting. Have you sent parcel for us ?
Looks absolutely tempting...what a simple yet great snack! I love your story about Jack and the bean stalk - you did turn out this great because of eating all those little beans!
This deep fried bean is new to me...looks super crunchy and delicious :)
First off, Nithya,I love the title!!Second off the pics are stunning..Love that snack!!I have never heard of them before..prbly shud go hunting now..Do you get in the grocery stores and if yes, under what name?
wow, they sure look delicious and a perfect snack! Love your writeup too :)
Loved u'r recipe title..Awesome shot!!U take pics like a pro..
Can I soak dried field beans and once hydrated, make this?
Crispy snack to munch any time..excellent click:)
Thanks a lot guys. :)
Cynthia: Guess the dried ones will not help much. Mom says it would be hard and will not turn out to be crispy :( sorry buddy. But may be you should really experiment with a very little quantity. Let me know the result if you get to do it. :)
Shri: Its a very traditional snack and its hard to find it in stores outside. :) but you can always make it. its simple na. :)
nithu,lovely pics, lovely photographs, going for any course on photography?
Hmmm... No wonder you ate those beans diligently that you are now wise n heroic!! :D
Yummy cripy snack!!
looks crispy and tempting..
Hi dearie, An Award Awaits U..check out my blog..please accept it!have fun.
what a great evening snack..a little guilt free too, i suppose ;)
Great story about your mother and you. GUess I should start using it with my daughter as well :)
Looks really Crispy nithya ...
one again yet another beautiful shot
wow..crispy...and nice photo
Lovely snack....new to me
Very new fries, looks incredible..
Wow! Like this way of making this bean..I'v another recipe at my blog..when you get time do see it..great Click:-)
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