It always makes us feel the food is healthy when it shows a shade of green in it. Its not just a feeling but its true too. Broccoli is a very healthy vegetable.
I used to call it green colored cauliflower, but recently came to know that they belong to cabbage family. May be elder brother ;)
Wikipedia says that broccoli is high in vitamins C, K, and A, as well as dietary fiber. It also contains multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties, such as diindolylmethane and small amounts of selenium. A high intake of broccoli has been found to reduce the risk of aggressive prostate cancer. Broccoli consumption has also been shown to be beneficial in the prevention of heart disease.
Wow so if a small green veggi can prevent us from Cancer and heart disease!! Why not include them in our diet chart. :)

I used to call it green colored cauliflower, but recently came to know that they belong to cabbage family. May be elder brother ;)
Wikipedia says that broccoli is high in vitamins C, K, and A, as well as dietary fiber. It also contains multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties, such as diindolylmethane and small amounts of selenium. A high intake of broccoli has been found to reduce the risk of aggressive prostate cancer. Broccoli consumption has also been shown to be beneficial in the prevention of heart disease.
Wow so if a small green veggi can prevent us from Cancer and heart disease!! Why not include them in our diet chart. :)
Simple stir fry is the best that can be made with the green veggie since it does not have to be cooked much and it maintains the original taste of broccoli.

Broccoli - 1 medium sized
Olive oil / Ghee - 1 tblsp
Garlic - 5 pods
White Pepper - for taste
Salt - for taste

Cut the broccoli into florets and cook them in microwave. I prefer microwave for broccoli since it preserves the color better than cooking on stove top.
Peel off the skin from garlic and slice them very thin and keep it aside.
Heat a frying pan or wok over medium heat. Add olive oil / ghee and once it gets heated up, put in the sliced garlic and fry for few mins till they get roasted slightly. (I like them a little crisp). Now add the cooked broccoli and saute for few mins. Finally add salt and white pepper to it.
The flavor of garlic and olive oil gets marinated into the broccoli resulting in a very aromatic stir fry. :) Simple isn't it??!!
You can eat it just like that or serve it with ghee rice.
Enjoy making a healthy stir fry. :)

When buying broccoli look for firm ones with compact clusters of small florets. The buds should be dark green and may have a purplish tint to the edge which does not matter.
If the florets are opened, yellowish-green or enlarged then the broccoli is not fresh. Prefer not to buy them.
Try and buy your broccoli just before you need it. You can store broccoli in the fridge, in an open plastic bag, for up to three days, but the vitamin content will diminish the longer you leave it.
Broccoli can be boiled in a small amount of water on stove top, microwaved with almost no water or steamed on a rack above simmering water, or stir-fried.
Be sure not to overcook broccoli or it will turn too mushy and will develop into a very unappealing shade of green as well.
Wonderful nithi .. Our fav one too.. all the pictures are good dear.
Great simple recipe :)
Stir fried veggies are always a winner atleast for me :) Love the last click..superb gal!
Lovely stir fry.. Looks awesome..
simple yet tasty fry,my fav
Broccoli stir fry looks really good.
lovely and healthy stir fry with wonderful pictures.
Stunning pics and a hearty stir fry. Those Neem leaves is making me feel nostalgic...
Hi...this is really simple and healthy dish, beautiful click too...
My favorite way to cook broccoli. Lovely pics.
Lovely pics...
I love this sort of simply stir fry, looks yumm!
Nitya, beautiful pics dear. I am a big fan of your pics :)
looks great.. we also make similar stir-fry with broccoli... and sometimes to add an little Indian touch we add sambar powder too..
I also make it in a very similar way. Great pics as usual
Lovely pics !!! Like your tip column too.
Oh wow! Lovely clicks and simple and classic dish. Its my family's favorite too. Good job nithi...
I love broccoli ..looks yummy
I lve this veggie. Very healthy and simple to make.
I like broccoli too....nice way of presenting it....Looks fresh to our eyes
Where can we get broccoli in our area ?
yummy stir fry......good one
wonderful..simple and tasty stir fry.
A simple and delicious stir-fry ! Nice info on broccoli !
Simple and healthy fry..Useful info dear.
And beautiful fresh neem leaves
Superb photographs! Tempt to try this recipe immediately!
I never knew that this greeny has the power to avoid heart diseases.
I hope I should try to use it as I am living in a polluted city prone to diseases now and then.
Love broccoli, and this surely is a treat.
Lovely recipe and awesome pics!
thank you for linking useful information on including green into our diet
simply delicious
You mention the benefits of broccoli then you nuke it in a microwave! Lightly steam to retain colour and nutrients
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